We help you launch or scale your business.

Finding Your Blog’s Heartbeat

After a year and two months of blogging hiatus, HigherDreams has been working on many new and exciting projects! The first was finalizing the process of rebranding the entire company but most importantly, was figuring out who we were in a crowded world full of “multimedia and digital marketers.”After some soul-searching and a lot of hard work, we are finally ready to take over the world!

“Soul searching” is a daunting task. We had to look back into what we have been blogging about for the past ten years and of course, we have also noticed that in the process we went through a few on and off blogging cycles. As a digital marketing agency, we know the importance of blogging, and now more so than ever. The bottom line is that blogging has become a digital marketing must!

What we realized is that we were blogging for the sake of blogging, to gain traffic, but with Google’s changing algorithm and the age of “authenticity,” “originality,” and “community” we had to take a hard look at ourselves. We realized we needed to find our blog’s “heartbeat.”

First, we decided that our blog will not carry our name as everything else we have launched like “HigherDreams Events” or “HigherDreams Training” or even “HigherDreams TV.” All of these are great for branding purposes but we didn’t want to be like so many others and just add our company name and then the word “blog” right after. We thought that was just too impersonal and quite frankly, boring. It couldn’t just be “HigherDream’s Blog” or simply just the “blog.” So, we took it upon ourselves for our blog to become something more than just a blog.

So…last year we went back to the drawing board and started really looking at what it is that makes us who we are…what do we value? What is it that we evangelize? Is there a need for our type of content?

That’s when we came up with “Cornerstone Xtra” as the name of our blog. Our deepest passion is to help other entrepreneurs reach their “higher dreams” and therefore, we needed to become their cornerstone. We want to build a foundation based on educating our readers about multimedia marketing, business, and technology so they can build and succeed in their businesses, not only that, but also write our content in Spanish for our Spanish-speaking followers!

Yes, you guessed it, Cornerstone Xtra is a bilingual blog that will talk about multimedia marketing, business, and technology, in both English and Spanish. Our blog will be published once a month and distributed to all of our readers across the web.

Sometimes it’s not so bad to be on a hiatus, you can learn a lot about yourself. We did learn a lot along the way, including realizing that our blog was dead and needed a heart. We just needed a little bit of time to find it.